We believe it is our mission to help one another learn to love and serve God’s big world. Our Global Outreach theme verse invites us into joining God in his love of the world.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
Honoring God’s calling to full-time missionary ministry is one of our great joys. The missionary calling is unique, specific and specialized. We highly respect and honor the knowledge base, skill set, cultural adaptability and ministry gifting required for missionary ministry. Our missionaries are among our heroes.
Early in God’s calling (1986) upon our worship community, we received a sense of God saying, “Assist in building a church facility on every continent by the year 2000.” This assignment took us, in addition to Alaska, to Poland, Thailand, Australia, Israel, Guatemala and Burkina Faso (we are still awaiting the joy of assisting in Antarctica).
From the processes and working of the Spirit in these church building projects, three developed into long term relationships; Thailand, Australia, and Burkina Faso. We continue (30 years) to serve alongside Pastor Wirachai and Chunpit Kowae, (Thailand), Pastor Max and Mereoni Wiltshire and Brett and Justine Wiltshire (Australia), and Pastor Philippe and Elodie Yameogo (Burkina Faso).
One of our global outreach foundations is, “We approach every missionary and mission opportunity as a learner and servant.” By God’s grace we do not serve with a personal agenda but with a heartfelt call to further the ministry of others.
God’s work in the partnership between the Zone One Church and MCA Church is producing a wonderful harvest for King Jesus. Zone One Church is now parent to 39 annex churches, founder of the Boaz Operation, providing water wells, widow’s ministry, facilities for Bible colleges, buildings for village congregations, school based health clinics, famine relief, pastoral training, medical training, food sources, and much more. Glory to God!
In Australia, we are blessed to serve with the Australian Aboriginal Outreach Ministry’s founder, Max and Mereoni Wiltshire, and the Director of AAOM, Brett and Justine Wiltshire. We love serving God’s missionary call with the congregations aligned with AAOM. MCA Church is committed to serving those who present the Good News of Jesus in the Australian Aboriginal context. Should it be the Lord’s will, we will continue our co-laboring with Max and Mereoni in helping the Cardwell Assemblies of God church build or purchase their own facility and strengthen ministry in the Aboriginal Community of Jumbun.
Additionally, MCA Church energetically supports the more classic version of missions with monthly support and periodic engagement with a variety of missionaries serving around the world.
Unnamed Missionary serving in a sensitive country through Business as Mission
Unnamed Missionary serving along the silk road
Edgar McElhannon, Retired
Jackie Coble, Retired