Night of Worship & Prayer
Gather with us for a time of prayer and worship where we can press into what God has for
us and praise Him for al that He has done!
Gather with us for a time of prayer and worship where we can press into what God has for
us and praise Him for al that He has done!
This is a free event - open to al ladies! It'll be an fun evening to connect and meet other
ladies within our church, while we make keychains together! Invite a friend and feel free
to bring a dish or snack to share with the other ladies!
Every year, our youth students participate in our statewide Fine Arts Festival. This gives
our students to discover, develop, and deploy the gifts and talents the Lord has placed
inside of them. Let's encourage and show our support for our students as they step out in
their gifts!
Join us for a fun night for the whole family! We'll be building legos and competing to see
what team can complete lego fish tank first! This will be a great night of fellowship - feel
free to bring a snack to share!
Join us for our monthly Hymns Night! It's an evening to gather with one another to
worship, look back and release songs of praise through our favorite Hymns that have
carried us throughout the years! It's open to everyone - people of all generations,
ethnicities, and backgrounds!
Our church's monthly Soup & Sandwich is an opportunity to break bread and fellowship
with our entire church family! This is open to everyone to enjoy a free warm meal and the
opportunity to meet and connect with our pastors and others in our church. We would
love for you to join us!
MCA Men's ministry is kicking off March Madness with Sunday Selection to set up
brackets! Throughout the month of March we will be hosting Game Watch Gatherings
that will include food, a halftime free-throw competitions, door prizes and a grand prize
for whoever predicts the closest bracket!
This is a great way to support missions and help raise funds for current & future missions
trips. If you've purchased a ticket during pre-sale, you'll be able to pick up your Missions
Meal Fundraiser plate in the Gymnasium on Sunday, March 16th!
This is an opportunity for all those who are interested in serving or are currently serving
in any capacity on any media or tech teams - sound, pro-presenter, live stream team, and
photography. This meeting is designed to discuss changes, updates, and next steps.
There's no waste at the Altar! Join us for a night of powerful worship, prayer, and laying
everything at the altar and feet of Jesus. Al are welcome to worship and fellowship with
Are you looking to take your next steps in your journey with Christ? Come to our next
membership class after the 11:30am service, where you can connect with others in our
church, learn more about MCA's vision, mission, & values, and become a member.
Man Camp, our annual statewide AG Men's Advance, is just around the corner! This is an
incredible time to join men from all around the state to be encouraged and challenged in
your faith. There will be various activities, competitions, and giveaways! Registration is
open and the registration fee is $200. For more details on the event or transportation,
please contact Joel Brisson at
We're excited to be hosting our first Missions Meal Fundraiser! This month we will be
selling a Mexican dinner plate to-go. Each plate will include four birria tacos, rice, beans,
and a drink! Pre-sale will take place for a week, starting Sunday, March 2nd. During the pre-
sale, you will be able to purchase a ticket for this missions meal fundraiser and pick up your
plate on Sunday, March 16th.
We are looking to relaunch Royal Rangers at MCA Church! We will be hosting an interest
meeting to any parents who would like more information or details about the program. This
meeting is also open to any individuals interested in possibly serving in this area.
The Global Church gathering together like never before - Every Believer. Every continent.
Together across 25 hours. This is a 25 hour prayer gathering that will be broadcasted all
over the world! This will be broadcasted in the Main Campus Sanctuary. We will have
childcare from 5-7pm on the 28th for parents to come pray.
Our annual business meeting will take place the evening of February 2nd. In order to meet a quorum, all MCA Church members are strongly encouraged to attend!
We are looking to relaunch Royal Rangers at MCA Church! We will be hosting an interest meeting to any parents who would like more information or details about the program. This meeting is also open to any individuals interested in possibly serving in this area. Lunch will be provided!
This is a free event - open to all ladies! It’ll be an evening to connect and meet other ladies within our church. It’ll be a great and fun time! Feel free to invite a friend and bring a snack to share.
Gather with us for a time of prayer and worship where we can press into what God has for us and praise Him for all that He has done!
Looking to get more connected in our church and take the next step? MCA Island Revival will be hosting a next steps class, focusing on membership. This will give you the opportunity to learn more about our church’s vision, mission, values, and jump into serving on different serve teams within our church! Refreshments will be provided.
We’ll be watching “The Forge” - a movie that has encouraged many this past year. You and your family are invited to join us! There will be popcorn, pizza, and other refreshments. All are welcome to join us!
Every year, we take time at the beginning of the year to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting. The goal is to limit distractions and draw closer to Jesus. There are many ways we can participate in this call to pray and fast as we seek the Lord as a church!
Join us for our monthly Hymns Night! It’s an evening to gather with one another to worship, look back and release songs of praise through our favorite Hymns that have carried us throughout the years! It’s open to everyone - people of all generations, ethnicities, and backgrounds!
Our church’s monthly Pastor’s Soup & Sandwich is an opportunity to break bread and fellowship with our entire church family! This is open to everyone to enjoy a free warm meal and the opportunity to meet and connect with our pastors.
Looking for something chill and fun for the whole family? Join us for a family game night! Feel free to bring your favorite game. It will be an evening of games and fun for the whole family!
Make plans to join us for a powerful conference! We will gather to worship and hear from leaders in our state, emphasizing who The Holy Spirit is and how The Holy Spirit empowers us. There will be sessions available for kids and youth during evening sessions!
This is a monthly gathering for all the men of MCA Church! It’s a time to build community and be encouraged in our faith. Join us for coffee, fellowship, and an encouraging word! We will also be serving at Downtown Hope Center after our gathering.
Life is Better Connected. Life groups are a key aspect of our church community! Most meet weekly in the home of a group member (usually the leader's home). Join a Life Group today! Sessions start September 8th and wrap up December 8th!
We are excited for our annual Thanksgiving Celebration! We want to create a warm, welcoming, fun, and family focused space for our church family and those in our community. All are welcome to join us for tons of food, football games, movies, and more! Feel free to contact the church office for more details and sign up to serve down below!
Gather with us for a time of worship where we can press into what God has for us and praise Him for all that He has done!
Are you looking to take your next steps in your journey with Christ? Come to our next membership class in between services, where you can connect with others in our church, learn more about MCA’s vision, mission, & values, and become a member.
Join us for an evening of crafts, fellowship, food, and fun! Together with our families, we will make holiday crafts and enjoy a potluck style meal. Please bring a dish to share!